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  Blood Cancer!  

Mixed African-
European/Caucasian Stem Cell Donor Urgently Needed!

My name is Astrid (Ada). I was diagnosed with a particularly severe form of blood cancer – Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML).

I am Nigerian-German and urgently need an
African-European/ African-Caucasian stem cell donor
who can help me to continue being there for my children, my husband and my friends.


Given the advanced nature of the disease,
every day, every hour, every minute counts!

It is extremely difficult for people of mixed ethnic origin to find a suitable donor.

Less than 3% of people registered as donors worldwide
have a mixed ethnic background.

If one parent of yours comes from West Africa, ideally Nigeria from the ethnic group of
Ibo / Igbo and the other from Europe, you can help save my life with a stem cell donation.

Do these criteria apply to you?
Then please register with your local country’s stem cell registry.

I very much hope for your help! Your Astrid (Ada)

The thought of not seeing my little boys grow up
is unbearable to me.

Dr. Karamba Diaby, MdB

Member of the executive committee of the German Bundestag and integration representative of the SPD Bundestags-fraktion has the patronage of the initiative #MatchMyMix

You can see his speech
in the German Bundestag here


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